The basic plan of the BLÍŽKSOBĚ Foundation activities consists in the laws, rules, customs and the best practice of liberal democracies of the West. Our acts will reflect the condition and needs of Czech society. However, at the same time, we will strive to firmly place our country in the family of European nations, whose intense and well-arranged cooperation we consider to be a vital prerequisite for fulfilling the mission of the Foundation.
The first of four areas of interest of the BLÍŽKSOBĚ Foundation is Civic Society, which organizes itself both randomly and systematically in various formations. Specific qualities and competencies produced by citizens’ initiatives not organized by the state are indispensable components in the machinery of a modern and well-functioning society. Intrinsically, it is only these that are able to capture a number of otherwise unseen problems and opportunities, whose source is in something so diverse and dynamic as the fellowship of a high number of diverse individualities. We would like to contribute to solving the identified challenges by means of the financial support of well formulated and professionally managed projects.
Another area of interest of ours consists in increasing the chances of disadvantaged groups and individuals for a fully-fledged life, however those who have already shown an interest in changing their current situation through their own activity. Our financial support aims at strengthening the activities of these individuals, thus helping them to fully actualize their goals while increasing their contribution to the whole.
The third area of activity of the Foundation consists in the protection and development of cultural heritage. The environment we live in is a result of the knowledge and efforts of countless previous generations. Societies, which systematically and purposefully develop assets inherited from their ancestors are the most successful in terms of fulfilling the needs of their members. Therefore, we would like to make use of the BLÍŽKSOBĚ Foundation resources to help protect and develop our cultural heritage and/or heal the wounds our country suffered during the dramatic and difficult periods of the previous century.
Education is the fourth area which the Foundation focuses on. Our support is mainly directed at those projects which aim to implement systemic changes in the educational system or the modernization of the whole educational process so that it better reflects the needs of the current period and so that it is pluralist, democratic and permeable at all levels of the educational system. The Foundation is interested in strengthening contacts between the educational system and the real world, bringing context into learning, supporting critical thinking and the purposeful use of digital technologies. We also support activities aimed at the support of the development of physical culture and development.